Hello to all my Readers!

Here in the U.S., we're celebrating our Thanksgiving Day this coming
week and it's always a time when I try to reflect on my blessings.
It's been a challenging year for everyone. Wherever you are in the
world, chances are you've been impacted in some way by COVID-19. I
truly hope that you and your families are safe and healthy.

Whatever your challenges, this year has provided us all with many
opportunities to be thankful for what we have and NOT focus on what we
don't have. For me, I'm always thankful for the two beautiful,
amazing, talented daughters I was blessed with. I'm so very lucky to
be their mother and to watch them mature into successful women.

I have two of the most adorable grandsons (yep - I'm biased) and they
make me laugh all the time. And I am eternally grateful that I have a
career I love and a passion I get to pursue through writing.

There is a quote I try to live by every day:

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

-President John F. Kennedy

I attempt to do that every day, some days I am more successful than
others. I am human after all. So let me express to all of
you...thank you...sincerely thank you for reading my books, but also
for getting lost in the characters and stories. It's my fondest wish
that you fall in love with the characters as much as I have, get lost
in their stories, and begin to create your own stories.

I hope that wherever you are in the world, you count your blessings
now and forever and that you're surrounded by those you love - in
person or virtually.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Mary Kennedy

Author and creator of more than one hundred books.

Sneak Peak: SKULL


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!