Happy 2022

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's 2022? We've been through so much this year. Pandemics, quarantine, work from home, school from home, work partly at home, partly at the office, go to school with a mask, without a mask. It's all been too much! I read and write to escape. It's the way for me to forget about all the things that are happening in the world. Even when I sometimes write about deep, difficult subjects, I know in the end, that it will all work out.

I've never been a resolution person. I always want to lose weight, be a better person, save more money, go on that bucket list trip. It's always the same. As I've gotten older, I find that it's better for me to just set my mind to something and see it as a goal, not a resolution. Silly, when in theory they're the same thing.

I think if I were going to wish for anything in 2022, it would be for good health for all of us; that kindness becomes the new normal; that each of you finds your true gifts and happiness; and that we stop wishing for 'next year' when things will be better and live in the here and now, making this year the best year we can possibly make it.

I've been fortunate to launch a lot of books in 2021. More fortunate that you all keep reading them. I have no plans to stop. My head is swimming with ideas, characters, and so much more. Besides, the RP family alone has more than twenty children ready to grow and become part of the business.

Happy New Year everyone and keep reading!

Mary Kennedy

Author and creator of more than one hundred books.


Hello 2023!


Spring Has Sprung