Spring Has Sprung

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. It's been a while, but it's been ridiculously busy here in Dallas. I hope this finds you all doing well and you are healthy. I recently decided to do something unusual - hold a ZOOM call for readers on my mailing list. I had some positive responses initially, but we only had a few show up on the call.

I wanted to especially thank one reader, Debbie, as she asked some great questions and we had a terrific conversation. Debbie divulged that one of her favorite characters is MILLER from the REAPER series. Something about Miller and Kari speak to her and she says she often goes back to them. I love hearing this! I have a lot of favorite characters, obviously, and I love hearing about yours as well.

For those of you who were unable to make this call - no worries - I'm going to do another maybe in the mid- to late summer timeframe. It was fun talking with Debbie and I look forward to speaking with all of you soon.

In the meantime, I hope Spring is bringing beautiful weather, good health, and good news to all of you. Happy reading and look forward to exciting twists in the upcoming books!

Mary Kennedy

Author and creator of more than one hundred books.


Happy 2022


2020 Reflection